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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publication 26 August 2019

European Film Forum at the 76th Venice Film Festival

This year’s European Film Forum will look at how the presence of European audiovisual works in key markets beyond Europe can be strengthened and how larger audiences for European productions in non-EU countries can be reached.

European Commission

European Film Forum at the 76th Venice Film Festival

The Mostra is one of the world’s biggest film festivals, and is among those with the broadest international appeal. This makes it a great place to look into the international dimension of Europe’s audiovisual sector.

This is why this year's European Film Forum in Venice, under the title 'European stories go global: promoting European audiovisual works beyond Europe' will address how the presence of European audiovisual works in key markets beyond Europe can be strengthened and how to reach larger audiences for European productions in non-EU countries.

The event will be held on 31 August, in the afternoon.


Moderator: Monica Chadha, Senior Media Executive

15:45 – Introduction by the moderator

15:50 – Welcome address by Biennale President Paolo Baratta

16:00 – Keynote speech by Roberto Viola

16:15 – A vision for Creative Europe: the perspective of European Parliament’s rapporteur, Massimiliano Smeriglio MEP

16:30 – Panel 1: Understanding international markets

  • Daniela Elstner, Director-General, UNIFRANCE
  • Mario Turetta, Director-General for Cinema, Italian Ministry of Culture 
  • Antonio Saura, CEO, Latido films
  • Gary Davey, CEO of Sky Studios

17:30 – Panel 2: Teaming up to reach global audiences

  • Eleonora Andreatta, Director, Rai Fiction,
  • Ilda Santiago, Co-Director, Rio Film Festival
  • Hiroko Takebe, Project Lead, European Film Festival in Japan,  Delegation of the European Union to Japan
  • Catalina Briceño, Media professor, Québec University

18:25 – Sum-up by the moderator

Italian, French and English interpretation will be available.


More about the Programme and speakers



Map / Location

Sala degli Stucchi, Hotel Excelsior , Venice Lido