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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Call for proposals | Publication

A European public sphere: a new online media offer for young Europeans

For the third year in a row, the European Commission will support the production of daily, thought-provoking and trustworthy content on current affairs from across Europe for and by young Europeans.

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Following two pilot projects in 2020 and 2021, this Call for Proposals implements the European Parliament Preparatory Action "A European public sphere: a new online media offer for young Europeans". This year, the call has a significantly higher budget of €9million, providing an opportunity for larger projects of longer duration (approximately 18 months) with increased EU co-financing of up to 80%.

The call seeks to bring the EU closer to young people, encourage them to become active citizens and connect them across borders. In doing so, it also contributes to the European Year of Youth 2022. The objective of this action is to increase the availability of online information, in different languages, around European topics that affect young people across the EU, presented in engaging formats and through multiple viewpoints. Projects should seek to generate engaging discussions and organise youth events. The grant agreements will include a charter of independence to make sure that grantees are editorially-free and operate without any political interference.

Projects should start around March/April 2023 for an indicative duration of 18 months.

The Commission expects to fund 3 or 4 proposals, with a maximum grant set at €3.5million. The maximum rate of co-financing is 80% of eligible costs, applicants may propose a lower co-funding rate.

Expected results

  • Collaboration between at least five organisations from five EU Member States;
  • Creation of daily, thought-provoking content around current affairs, through innovative cross-border editorial processes;
  • An outreach plan, to reach as many young Europeans as possible;
  • Distribution via own channels, partner websites, blogs and/or social media networks;
  • Engaging discussions and youth events.

Further information

  • The call for proposals, application forms and all relevant documents are available below.
  • Questions can be sent to until at the latest 19 October 2022. All questions and answers will be published, anonymously, on this page.
  • For an overview of other grant opportunities for news media, see updates on this page.
  • You can subscribe to receive automatic updates whenever articles related to media are publish on CNECT’s website.
  • Discover 2021 projects here.


(If reading in another language, consult the English original for call documents.)


00. Questions and answers - 20 October (.pdf)
01. Call for Proposals (.pdf)
02. Grant Application Form (Part A) (.docx)
03. Grant Application Form (Part B) (.docx)
04. Estimated Budget (Annex 2 MGA) (.xlsx)
05. Financial-capacity check table (.xls)
06. Declaration of Honour (.pdf)
07. Declaration on Standards and Independence (.docx)
08. Financial Identification (.pdf)
09. Legal Entity Private (.pdf)
10. Legal Entity Public (.pdf)
11. Model Grant Agreement (MGA) (.pdf)
12. Unit costs and SME owners (annex 2a MGA) (.pdf)
13. Specific Rules (annex 5 MGA) (.pdf)
14. Privacy Statement (.pdf)

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