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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Event report | Publication

Education, research, and skills needs in the gaming industry

16 stakeholders joined the third workshop of the European Video Games Society, an initiative of the European Commission to support the video games system.

16 stakeholders joined the third workshop of the European Video Games Society, an initiative of the European Commission to support the video games system. The project, run by consultant companies Ecorys and KEA, aims to inform policy making on the impact of video games in various areas, identify ways for the EU to actively support the sector, and foster an active community in the ecosystem. EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT. Excessive integration of private schools and universities to acquire relevant skills. Need for educational paths dedicated to video games from early education. Need for a multidisciplinary approach encompassing technical, artistic, legal, and business aspects. Importance of being self-taught. WORKING CONDITIONS. Correlation between stability and professional experience. Emphasis on short-term contracts with few or no benefits. High working rotation due to the project-based nature of the industry. TALENT ATTRACTION AND RETENTION. Importance of the company culture. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic such as the normalisation of remote working practices. Correlation between a company’s size and the attractiveness of its retention policies. Lack of gender balance and not enough attention devoted to diversity. SKILLS’ NEEDS AND SHORTAGES. Importance of soft and people’s skills as opposed to merely technical. High demand for business and marketing skills. Relevance of skills linked to new technologies (VR, blockchain, free to play). High demand for multidisciplinary profiles. A series of focused workshops, interviews and surveys will be launched in the future for European Video Games Society. For more information on the project or for future participation, please reach out to and check out


Workshop 3 - Summary report
Workshop 3 - Visual report