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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publication 28 October 2021

Info Day Data Spaces for Manufacturing in Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) – Networking session

The aim of this Infoday is to shed light on the two-step approach for creating data spaces for manufacturing in Europe. In particular, the Infoday will gather relevant stakeholders to share ideas on who can support, with which focus, the preparatory actions needed to support the deployment of the data spaces.

The creation of data spaces for manufacturing in Europe will follow a two-step approach: preparation and deployment of data spaces. During the preparatory phase, national, regional and local data ecosystem stakeholders will come together to jointly agree on a data governance scheme, sustainable business models, an inventory of existing data platforms for manufacturing and the first building blocks to support the deployment of manufacturing data spaces.

The objective of the Infoday is to inform about this two-step approach and the timeline foreseen for the preparatory phase. In this latter regard, the session should especially facilitate the interaction of relevant stakeholders and the building of a multi-stakeholder ecosystem that should initiate the deployment of data spaces for manufacturing. We will outline the direction and expected outcomes for both calls. And we will briefly discuss the parallel horizontal measures on Cloud Middleware and Data Spaces Support Centre.

Hereby we invite everyone interested to save the date: 22 November from 10:00-12:00.

In the second part of the Info-Day we will open the floor for discussion and proposals.

To best collect ideas, comments, questions and feedback of participants we have set up a collaborative whiteboard on Miro, which will provide the basis for our brainstorming session on 22 November 2021.

Please feel welcome to put your name on the whiteboard’s list of contributors and share your thoughts on pivotal building blocks, relevant embryonic data spaces and/or your own project on the sticky notes next to it!

Draft Agenda (.pdf)

If you are interested in other sectoral data spaces, here are links to two more info events on 02 December:


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Summary of the Info Day Data Spaces for Manufacturing in Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) – Networking session

Event report | 25 November 2021

The aim of this Infoday was to provide information about the two-step approach for creating data spaces for manufacturing in Europe. The core was the open call for the implementation of a preparatory action. The information day gave the opportunity to relevant stakeholders to share ideas on who can support the preparatory actions needed in the deployment of the data spaces.