The event was hugely successful with over 1000 people participating. Most subjects related to the call were covered and discussed in detail. These topics ranged from the work programme through to financial, Co-financing using Recovery and Resilience funds and state aid issues. Overview of the Proposal Template and Evaluation process were also explained.
Due to the high participation level there was a rich exchange between the EC and participants in the Q&A sessions. We thank everyone for their contributions.
SAVE THE DATE: We will host another supplementary information day on December 14th (details to follow). The same subjects will be discussed, so it is not necessary for those who already attended the event on 18/11 to attend also this new one, but you are welcome to do it if you wish. We will make sure that the platform does not limit the number of participants.
In advance of the supplementary information day, we encourage everyone who was unable to attend to watch the recording of the event on 18/11.
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