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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publication 30 January 2025

Commission and European Space Agency sign EuroQCI implementation agreement

On 30 January, in Brussels, Roberto Viola, Director-General of DG CNECT, and Laurent Jaffart, Director of Connectivity and Secure Communications at the European Space Agency (ESA), signed an agreement on ESA’s technical support in the implementation of the EuroQCI initiative.

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EuroQCI aims to develop secure communication networks that will be quantum safe e.g. using Quantum-safe cryptography, thus making it safe against quantum and classical attacks across the whole of the EU and its overseas territories. They will combine terrestrial fibre optic and satellite communication networks. This will boost the security of sensitive data and communications between European governmental institutions, data centres, hospitals, energy grids and other critical infrastructure.  

The Commission is already working with Member States and with ESA to make EuroQCI a reality. In Member States, national quantum communication networks are being deployed and will eventually be connected at the European level. Under the agreement signed yesterday, ESA will play a major role in the design of the overall EuroQCI system and be responsible for implementing the space segment under its SAGA initiative, with an EU contribution of €138 million. ESA’s tasks will include developing and validating the space segment and integrating it with national networks. EuroQCI is a key part of IRIS², the EU’s future space-based communication system.

signature ceremony

Roberto Viola said:

Yesterday, the Commission had announced the Competitiveness Compass, the key policy agenda for the coming years, which includes maintaining a leading position in quantum technologies. I therefore welcome the agreement with ESA under the EuroQCI, which brings us one step closer to realising our vision in quantum and more specifically of a quantum safe communication network for Europe based on terrestrial and satellite technologies. This agreement builds on our long-standing partnership with ESA in key space technologies and applications such as Copernicus, Galileo and IRIS2 initiative.

Laurent Jaffart said:

Yesterday, we celebrated the successful conclusion of negotiations and the signing of this Agreement, a pivotal step forward that highlights the power of partnership in achieving ambitious goals. Through our collaboration with the European Commission and Member States, we will ensure EuroQCI sets the global standard for secure and innovative quantum communication. ESA will lead the Contracting, Design, and Qualification authority, developing EuroQCI to protect critical information and assets, and spearheading R&D activities in space-based quantum technologies.

Projects to support the development of national quantum communication networks and of the technologies underpinning them, are funded by the Digital Europe Programme. A CEF Digital call to fund links between national networks is currently open, and calls for future activities will be published as part of the Secure Connectivity Programme.

EuroQCI is well in line with the European Competitiveness Compass, which, amongst other goals, seeks to encourage more investments in digital infrastructures to improve access to secure, fast and reliable connectivity. It will also contribute to the Quantum Strategy and Quantum Act announced as part of the Competitiveness Compass, which will serve to align EU and national programmes in quantum and support investment in pan-European quantum computing, communication and sensing infrastructure, with a view to growing the wider European quantum ecosystem.