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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publication 15 November 2022

Digital rights and principles: a digital transformation for EU citizens

The Commission welcomes the agreement reached with the Parliament and the Council on the European declaration on digital rights and principles. The declaration, proposed in January, establishes a clear reference point about the kind of human-centred digital transformation that the EU promotes and defends, at home and abroad.

European Commission

It builds on key EU values and freedoms and will benefit all individuals and businesses. The declaration will also provide a guide for policymakers and companies when dealing with new technologies. The declaration focuses on six key areas: putting people at the centre of the digital transformation; solidarity and inclusion; freedom of choice; participation in digital life; safety and security; and sustainability.

Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age, Margrethe Vestager said: 

The digital transformation is about ensuring that technologies are safe. That they work in our interests and respect our rights and values. The principles in the declaration of digital rights and principles will continue to be supported by EU legislation.

Commissioner Thierry Breton said: 

The declaration on digital rights and principles will ensure Europe is the continent people look to for guidance in the digital transformation. It enshrines values we are already working towards, such as top-class connectivity, access to public services, and a safe digital world.

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