After 24 fruitful months of vigorous activity, the EPP-eHealth project ('European Procurers Platform - eHealth - Transforming the market for eHealth Solutions') has ended in December 2016. The EPP-eHealth partners created:
- A network of procuring organisations to pool the demand for eHealth goods and services;
- A robust framework for Innovation Procurement implementation, and;
- A sustainable platform for future collaboration.
On top of this, the project defined the following, all available for downloading:
1. Joint Statements of Unmet Needs
The Joint Statement of Unmet Needs presents the eHealth unmet needs identified by the four healthcare institutions involved in the EPP-eHealth project. It defines the context of the unmet need, outlines the overarching priority area and presents the specific needs identified by each institution. The six priorities that have been highlighted by healthcare institutions that are participating in the EPP-eHealth project are:
- Patient empowerment through telemedicine and individual tailored apps;
- Management of Diseases;
- Electronic health record: extraction of data and exploitation;
- Tracking Solutions;
- Advanced clinical imaging solutions;
- Improving health social innovation.
The document also invites other ambitions healthcare institutions across Europe that are interested in the same eHealth unmet needs to join to the EPP-eHealth Statement and to lend their support to the broad communication of the Joint Statements.
Why? "Healthcare institutions operating in a cooperative manner have the collective power to create a lead market for new solutions through their procurement functions and these can subsequently be adopted by others in the wider healthcare arena", says coordinator Laura Sánchez Alonso (BravoSolution España S.A.). "By joining, stakeholders will be added to the project network to pool the demand for innovative eHealth solutions."
Join the Statement of Unmet Needs!
2. PPI Strategy for eHealth
The PPI Strategy for eHealth identifies the demand-side measures that are needed to enable the healthcare sector to accelerate the development and adoption of 'market-ready' eHealth solutions. It addresses short- to long-term needs in the healthcare sector, summarizing the lessons learnt by the project.
In addition it offers resource materials (guidelines, templates, regulatory reference framework, factsheets, case examples and reference action groups of stakeholders), useful to overcome the challenges identified by the project.
3. Mapping of EU-funded initiatives and healthcare projects
This report raises awareness about the global knowledge that has been produced through initiatives and projects funded by the EU within the healthcare domain. In addition, this paper presents a review of the EU financial instruments for investing in eHealth as well as the available EU business supporting initiatives.
4. Other project outcomes
- Glossary of terms: This document offers definitions and clarifications regarding innovation procurement and the eHealth domain.
- PCP funding opportunities: This section of the project website presents the upcoming PCP call for tenders for DG Connect funded projects.
- Matchmaking tool: If you are a supplier and have an eHealth solution that meets any of the EPP-eHealth Joint Statement of Unmet Needs or you are interested in seeking partners for a joint proposal bid, feel free to complete this questionnaire.
The project experts want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has contributed to the project and attended our workshops.
The project website will remain available to provide access to the outcomes of the project. Need additional information? Feel free to contact them!