Anul nou care n-a fost (The new year that never came) by Bogdan Mureşanu, a collaboration between Romania and Serbia, won the Orizzonti competition for best film, while the film Alpha, by Jan-Willem van Ewijk, a partnership between the Netherlands, Switzerland and Slovenia, took home the Europa Cinemas Label Award in the independent section ‘Giornate degli Autori’.
Also noteworthy is the out-of-competition series Familier som vores (Families Like Ours), episodes 1-7, directed by Thomas Vinterberg. This co-production between Denmark, France, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Norway, and Germany premiered at the 81st Venice International Film Festival.
The EU supported these works through the Creative Europe MEDIA programme. In total, 13 works supported by the EU with over €1.7 million were selected at this year’s Venice Film Festival.
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