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eHealth experts

The European Commission created two expert groups working on eHealth: the eHealth Stakeholder Group and a temporary eHealth Task Force.


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eHealth Stakeholder Group

The group was relaunched in 2020 and held its first meeting on 13 July 2020.  

Members of the eHealth Stakeholder Group are all umbrella organisations and associations with a European outreach. They represent the following sectors and groups: the health tech industry, patients, healthcare professionals and the research community.

The eHealth Stakeholder Group will provide advice and expertise to the Commission, particularly on topics set out in the Communication on enabling the digital transformation of health and care. In particular, in relation to the following areas:

  • health data, including taking forward the Commission Recommendation on a European Electronic Health record exchange format and the further elaboration of the baseline set of technical specifications and better interoperability;
  • digital health services;
  • health data protection and privacy issues;
  • cybersecurity for health and care data;
  • digital tools for citizen empowerment and person-centred care;
  • artificial intelligence and health;
  • cross cutting aspects linked to the digital transformation of health and care, such as financing and investment proposals and enabling technologies.

Information about members, meetings, including agenda and minutes is regularly published in the Register of Commission Expert Groups.

eHealth Task Force

A temporary eHealth Task Force, was set up to advise the Commission on how to unlock the full potential of eHealth for safer, better and more efficient healthcare in Europe. It consists of health care professionals, representatives of patients, delegates of the medical, pharmaceutical and ICT industries, legal experts and policy makers. The Task Force produced a report with recommendations on how to develop the full benefits of eHealth in 2020.

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The European Commission is working to provide citizens with access to safe and top quality digital services in health and care.

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