The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) improves consistency of EU telecoms rules.
The mission of BEREC is to assist the Commission and national regulatory authorities in the implementation of the EU telecoms rules. It also gives advice to European institutions and complements the regulatory tasks of national authorities at European level.
Main tasks of BEREC
- To participate in consultations under the EU consultation procedure;
- To share regulatory best practices, that can help regulatory authorities implement telecoms rules;
- To advise the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council on telecoms policy;
- To assist the EU institutions and the NRAs in their relations with third parties;
- To deliver opinions:
- on draft decisions and recommendations on harmonisation, in accordance with Article 19 of the Framework Directive;
- on draft decisions on the identification of transnational markets, in accordance with Article 15 of the Framework Directive;
- aiming to ensure the development of common rules and requirements for providers of cross-border business services.
- To be consulted:
- on draft measures relating to effective access to the emergency call number 112;
- on draft measures relating to the effective implementation of the 116 numbering range;
- on draft recommendations on relevant product and service markets, in accordance with Article 15 of the Framework Directive.
- To give opinions on cross-border disputes;
- To monitor and report on the electronic communications sector, and publish an annual report on developments in that sector.
BEREC is composed of the heads of the 27 national regulatory authorities and is assisted by an office in Riga, Latvia.
Jaunākās ziņas
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Lielais attēls
ES elektronisko sakaru politika uzlabo konkurenci, veicina inovāciju un stiprina patērētāju tiesības Eiropas vienotajā tirgū.
Rociet dziļāk!
Apspriešanās procedūra paredz, ka valstu regulatoriem ir jāpaziņo BEREC par pasākumiem, ko tie plāno ieviest, lai atrisinātu tirgus problēmas.