The eArchiving Initiative provides core specifications, software, training and knowledge to help people store information for longer.
What is eArchiving?
Important information should be kept accessible and reusable for years to come, regardless of the system used to store it. eArchiving provides core specifications, software, training and knowledge to help people preserve and reuse information over the long-term.
The eArchiving Initiative is managed on behalf of the European Commission by the E-ARK Consortium comprising: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Lead partner), DLM Forum MTÜ, Gabinete Umbus SL, Highbury Research & Development Limited, and KEEP Solutions LDA.
Interoperability by default Following international standards and specifications for packaging digital information enables organisations to transmit documents and information across borders. It also supports the storage, access and reuse of information regardless of the platform used. |
Openness and transparency Having a common set of open specifications for packaging and archiving digital information, promotes a high level of transparency and confidence among all participants in the information lifecycle.
Sustainability and legal compliance With eArchiving, digital archival systems can implement reusable modular components that are compliant with various national legal requirements. |
To know more about the Initiative and other advantages before start using it, check the other benefits eArchiving has to offer.
How to use eArchiving?
What is your digital archiving plan? Determine your digital archiving plan: what information to keep, for how long (legislation) and who can access it. The answers will translate into your solution's requirements. |
Which eArchiving components? Decide which eArchiving components you want to use to implement the solution. |
Get in contact! Contact our Support Desk, for advice on implementing, integrating and testing your solution, and subscribe to our eArchiving Newsletter. |
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Lists of archives, repositories, and digital preservation solutions that have demonstrated conformance according to the E-ARK specifications.
l-erba’ proġetti li ġew iffinanzjati taħt il-FNE-TC-2020–2: eArchiving call maħruġa mill-Faċilità Nikkollegaw l-Ewropa (CEF) taħt il-Programm ta’ Ħidma tat-Telekomunikazzjoni.
l-iskrivanija ta’ appoġġ eArchiving tipprovdi informazzjoni lill-utenti dwar l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet eArchiving.
Il-Glossarju tal-Archiving-e jagħti ħarsa ġenerali lejn it-termini ewlenin użati fil-kuntest tal-inizjattiva eArchiving inklużi l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet u l-għodod.
L-inizjattiva eArchiving tiddependi fuq l-organizzazzjonijiet u l-istituzzjonijiet biex jaqsmu l-għarfien u jibnu l-komunità eArchiving.
Is-Siġill ta’ Konformità eArchiving huwa sinjal ta’ kwalità tal-arkivjar diġitali, il-preservazzjoni fit-tul, u l-ġestjoni tad-data skont l-istandards u l-aħjar prattiki.
Storja ta’ eArchiving
Qed nibnu fuq is-sinerġiji ta’ proġetti rilevanti fi ħdan il-programm Ewropa Diġitali.
L-eArchiving joffri riżorsi ta’ taħriġ biex jippromwovi l-fehim tas-servizzi tal-eArchiving u jissimplifika l-aċċess fit-tul għall-informazzjoni.
Iċ-Ċentru ta’ Għarfien eArchiving għandu l-għan li jipprovdi aċċess faċli għall-informazzjoni dwar l-għodod eArchiving.
Sabiex toħloq u tadatta l-arkivju tiegħek, jew tiżviluppa l-applikazzjoni tiegħek stess, tista’ tirreferi għall-ispeċifikazzjonijiet tekniċi tagħna biex tiżgura li tkun konformi mal-istandards tal-eArchiving.
Kun żgur li l-iżvilupp tiegħek ta’ komponenti jew soluzzjonijiet minn tarf sa tarf jippreservaw id-data b’mod sikur u f’konformità mal-istandards Ewropej, sabiex il-klijenti tiegħek ikunu jistgħu jafdaw l-applikazzjonijiet tiegħek.
Aħna se ngħinuk issegwi l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet standardizzati biex iżżomm interoperabbli u tiżgura d-data li tkun ġejt fdat biha.
Tgħallem kif tista’ tapplika standards u speċifikazzjonijiet internazzjonali għad-data tiegħek, biex tkun tista’ tippreservaha u tużaha mill-ġdid fit-tul.