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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Support for Broadband rollout

The European Commission is supporting EU businesses, project managers and authorities in increasing network coverage to reach the EU’s Gigabit Society goals.

©European Union


The EU's broadband strategy

Broadband Europe promotes the Commission's strategy on Connectivity for a European Gigabit Society by 2025 as well as the vision set by the Digital Decade for Europe’s digital transformation by 2030 to connect European citizens and businesses with very high-capacity networks, which will enable innovative products, services and applications to all citizens and business across the EU.

This Gigabit Society vision for 2025 relies on three main strategic objectives:

  • Gigabit connectivity for all of the main socio-economic drivers;
  • uninterrupted 5G coverage for all urban areas and major terrestrial transport paths;
  • access to connectivity offering at least 100 Mbps for all European households.

The ambition of the Digital Decade is that by 2030:

  • all European households are covered by a Gigabit network;
  • all populated areas are covered by 5G.

Support for broadband rollout

EU businesses, national, regional and local authorities and project managers working on broadband deployment play a key role in reaching the EU's Connectivity objectives. The EU supports network deployment by offering guidance, facilitating sharing of best practices and informing citizens of network availability in their area. Project managers can find more information on the website, as well as refer to the Broadband Competence Offices (BCOs) network, which brings together experts to discuss and share technical support for broadband deployment. Rural and remote areas are a particular challenge for attracting investment in broadband networks.

The Broadband Investment Handbook assists public authorities in planning, implementing, and monitoring broadband projects within their territories. It addresses the deployment of access and backhaul segments of fixed broadband networks and the adoption of broadband services.

The Broadband Handbook for rural and remote areas helps policy makers and broadband project managers to rollout high-speed networks in challenging areas.

The updated study on National Broadband Plans in the EU27 provides an overview of the connectivity measures in the Member States defined by the National Broadband Plans and a feasibility assessment of meeting the Digital Agenda for Europe 2020 and Gigabit Society 2025 targets.

Connecting Europe Broadband Fund and CEF Digital

A programme dedicated to connectivity is the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), which supports broadband deployment via two financial instruments: Connecting Europe Broadband Fund (CEBF, equity) and the CEF debt instrument. The Connecting Europe Broadband Fund provides equity and quasi-equity to smaller-scale, higher-risk broadband projects, which do not have sufficient access to financing, in (under-served) suburban and rural areas. The CEBF is an equity fund of EUR 420 million, and the CEF Debt Instrument makes available approximately EUR 17 million in loans. The digital part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Digital) will support and catalyse both public and private investments in digital connectivity infrastructures between 2021 and 2027.

Latest news

Mobile and Fixed Broadband Prices in Europe 2022

The Mobile and Fixed Broadband Prices 2022 report provides comprehensive data on 2022 retail prices of fixed and mobile broadband offers for consumers in the EU27, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway, Japan, South Korea and the USA.

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