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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Report / Study | Δημοσίευση

Study on media literacy and online empowerment issues raised by algorithm-driven media services (SMART 2017/0081)

Social media platforms and the algorithms they use to shape the news that people read, as well as people’s behaviour online, all play a role in the rapid spread of disinformation. Research has shown that people tend to be unaware of their own cognitive biases and underestimate the influence of algorithms on their social media behaviour. Improving the media literacy of consumers and reducing their vulnerability to disinformation is a necessary part of the solution. This study proposes an approach based on behavioural science, which triggers people to be aware of their own online behaviour.


Résumé - Étude sur l’éducation aux médias et les problèmes de responsabilisation en ligne soulevés par les services médiatiques fondés sur des algorithmes (.pdf)
Study on media literacy and online empowerment issues raised by algorithm-driven media services (.pdf)
Zusammenfassung - Studie über Medienkompetenz und Online-Empowerment-Themen, die aufgrund von algorithmisch gesteuerten Mediendiensten aufkommen (.pdf)