La Commissione europea sta raccogliendo pareri sulle raccomandazioni strategiche del rapporto Lamy riguardanti la strategia politica a lungo termine per l'utilizzo futuro della banda UHF (470-790 MHz), con l'obiettivo di adottare una posizione sul seguito da dare alle raccomandazioni.
The European Commission is collecting views on the Lamy Report's strategic recommendations on a long-term policy strategy for the future use of the UHF band (470-790 MHz). It wishes to take a position on how these recommendations should be followed up.
On behalf of DG Enterprise and Industry, Ernst & Young Advisory is carrying out an online survey set to collect the views on the regulations and the progress made in the European standardisation system.
The EU supports an effective and coherent standardisation framework, which ensures that high quality standards are developed in a timely manner. In this context, the European Commission is launching on a periodic basis consultations on general standardisation isues.
Consultation on "patents and standards" for new technologies is running from 14 October 2014 to 31 January 2015. The objective is to discuss on the efficiency of the new rules and practices, and suggest ideas for improvement.
The aim of this survey is to obtain views and contributions from a broad constituency from the European Union and Brazil with interest into EU-BR Cooperation in the area of ICT. The consultation will help identify strategic areas for joint Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) in the next Work Programme 2016-17 of Horizon 2020.
With this consultation, the AgeingWell Thematic Network aims to collect the opinions of stakeholders as regards the future challenges and the necessary measures/policies to be promoted to leverage the ICT4Ageing market competitiveness.
The results of this public consultation will contribute to the ICT for Ageing Society Strategic Agenda to be delivered to the European Commission by the AgeingWell Network.
The European Commission is inviting stakeholders to provide advice and express a commitment for engagement on candidate target areas for future European Internet of Things (IoT) Large Scale Pilots (LSP). The results will contribute to the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-17 and European Commission actions. We welcome contributions until Sunday 30 November 2014.
DG Connect (Unit E2) launched a web-based Public Consultation with a view to defining future research priorities in the areas of Cloud Computing and Software, ahead of the H2020 ICT Work Programme 2016-17. All interested stakeholders (industry, research centres, academia, SMEs and users) were invited to contribute.
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