The fifth meeting of the Web Accessibility Expert Group took place on 21 May 2019. Below are the relevant documents for this meeting. 5th meeting of the WADEX Group Agenda Presentation by the Accessibility Foundation for Logius and Dutch Ministry of the Interior, "Accessibility Monitoring and Reporting Method for Directive 2016/2102" Presentation by the Agency for Digital Italy, "From national requirements to harmonized standard: how to" Presentation by Capgemini, "Evaluating effects of the Web Accessibility Directive" Presentation by the Commission, "Web Accessibility Directiveand the related actions" Presentation by ERCIM/W3C, "WAI-Guide Project" Presentation by ERCIM/W3C, "WAI-Tools Project" Presentation by DIFI, "Universal design monitoring 2018 - a sample survey" Presentation by Fraunhofer - Gesellschaft, "WADcher, Web Accessibility Directive Decision Support Environment" Presented by the Spanish Ministry of Finance and Civil Service, "Web Accessibility Observatory of the Spanish Government" Last update 8 Március 2021 Nyomtatás PDF formátumban