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Report / Study | Kiadvány

Quantum Flagship High-Level expert group publishes the final report

The Quantum Flagship High-Level expert group published its final report, with concrete principles for the implementation of the Flagship: excellence, transparency, openness and connection with existing programmes.

The final report also presents key performance indicators that will be instrumental in monitoring its performance. Moreover, it contains a series of important recommendations for the governance and the implementation of the Quantum Technology Flagship, describing the roles and interactions of various bodies that form the Quantum Flagship.

The report also contains the Strategic Research Agenda (delivered in February 2017 as part of the group's Intermediate Report).

Next steps:

  • The Final Report of the Quantum Flagship High-Level expert group will be handed over to the Commission during the Flagship event under the Estonian Presidency - 'FET-Flagships: Partnering for excellence' on 6 November 2017 in Brussels.
  • The call for the Quantum Flagship Coordination and Support Action (CSA) is closing on 26 September 2017. The retained CSA project, which is key to support the Flagship governance, is expected to start early 2018.
  • The FET Work Programme 2018-2020 shall be adopted in the autumn. It contains the first Quantum Flagship call for Research and Innovation actions, planned to close in the 1st quarter of 2018.



Final report