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Report / Study | Publikacija

Evaluation study of the Regulation no.910/2014 (eIDAS Regulation)

Article 49 of the eIDAS Regulation requires the Commission to review the application of the Regulation and report to the European Parliament and to the Council no later than 1 July 2020. This study supports the report to the European Parliament and Council. It assesses effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, consistency and EU added-value of the eIDAS Regulation through an assessment of results and impacts of its implementation.

The study covers the whole eIDAS legal framework including its implementing acts and sectoral legislation referring to the use of the eIDAS framework and implementation/ application at the level of EU Member States and EEA/EFTA countries. The objective of the study is to evaluate the eIDAS Regulation, to assess its performance compared with the objectives and to establish whether it remains fit for purpose to deliver the intended results and impacts.
All conclusions and recommendations are backed-up by data and evidence as available. The methodology is based on desk research and collecting stakeholders’ views through 41 interviews, targeted surveys to six stakeholder groups with a total of 106 responses, a workshop with members of the Cooperation Network, and an open public consultation with a total of 318 responses.


Evaluation study eIDAS regulation final