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Shaping Europe’s digital future
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Being human in a hyperconnected era

The developments of the online world have dramatically modified the distinction between offline and online worlds. The Onlife Initiative explored the societal consequences of this radical transition - join the debate in the European Parliament on the 2nd of December.

Mobile access to internet, IoT, Big Data: all these developments concur to the blurring of the distinction between the off-line and the online environments. The Onlife Initiative explored the societal consequences of this radical transition, and called for the need of re-engineering fundamental notions on which policy frameworks are built.

Is autonomy a good proxi for freedom, now that relationality is at the heart of the life experience? Is precaution about anticipation and risk-avoidance or about critical accompaniment of technological developments? Will transparency and control provide a sense of fairness and respect, or will it lead to a drowning experience for users? Addressing these questions is of utmost importance if policy-making is to succeed in fostering responsible innovation.

A debate took place in the European Parliament on December 2 at 17.00.

Robert Madelin, director general of DG CONNECT, moderated the discussion.

See the full programme of the event

For those who could not attend, a video recording is available to watch. A short recap of the event and pictures can be found on the website of the European Parliamentary Research Service.

The event was part of The Onlife Initiative and also served as the book launch of The Onlife Manifesto. The gold open access publication is freely available to download.


The presentations made by the panellists: