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Search Results (173)


Survey: Implementation of EU Digital Rights and Principles

The civil society, industry, as well as consumer and human rights organisations are invited to participate in our survey on the promotion of Digital Rights and Principles. The survey will feed in the Commission‘s monitoring of digital rights and principles across the EU.

Consultation on AI Act prohibitions and AI system definition

This is a targeted stakeholders consultation process on the future guidelines on the AI system definition and the implementation of AI practices that pose unacceptable risks under the AI Act.

Consultation on Internet Governance

The Commission is launching a consultation on Internet Governance, intending to gather input from stakeholders to help shape a future-proof internet governance model for the EU.

Consultation Delegated Regulation on data access provided for in the Digital Services Act

The new framework for vetted researchers’ access to data from very large online platforms and very large search engines is a key measure of the Digital Services Act, to increase platforms’ transparency and accountability. The Commission is to adopt delegated acts to further specify the conditions under which sharing of data should take place and, the purposes for which the data may be used and relevant procedures, taking into account the rights and interests of the actors involved and, if necessary, independent advisory mechanisms.

Consultation on the Digital Europe Programme

This public consultation is intended to gather your views on the Digital Europe Programme and feed them into the interim evaluation of the programme.