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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publication 09 October 2024

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) - Multiannual Work Programme 2024-2027

The second Work Programme for the digital part of CEF defines the scope and objectives of EU-funded actions to improve Europe's digital connectivity infrastructures.

Text: Connecting Europe Facility - second work programme 2024-2027 €865 Million. Background - dark blue. At the centre connected blue dots forming constellations

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a EU funding programme to promote growth, jobs, inclusiveness and competitiveness through the efficient interconnection of transport, energy and digital networks within and across Member States.

The digital part of CEF aims to contribute to the development of project of common interest (PCIs) relating to the deployment of safe, secure, sustainable and very high capacity digital networks, including 5G systems, to the increased capacity and resilience of digital backbone networks in all EU territories, in particular the Outermost Regions, as well as to the digitalisation of transport and energy networks. 


Connecting Europe Facility – Digital sector and the adoption of the multiannual work programme for 2024-2027

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