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Final workshop on standardisation support to the Digitising European Industry initiative: report and presentations

The results of the Working Group on standardisation in support to the Digitising European Industry initiative were presented in this workshop, held in Brussels on 15 November. You can access here all the presentations and the report of the discussion.



Validation report

Following the completion of the joint MSP/DEI working group's final report, the European Commission decided to have the results validated with industry actors. This validation exercise was carried out by independent expert Haydn Thompson. The exact assignment for this exercise was as follows:

  1. Validation of the synchronization model developed by the Working Group, esp. with industry actors
    • Consult with relevant H2020 projects, e.g. ConnectedFactories, CREATE-IOT, projects under the Focus Area IoT, Factories of the Future PPP, and Big Data PPP. Identify objectives and measures that would encourage these projects to engage with the proposed networking platform.
    • Liaise with European and Member State associations to discuss their role and involvement in the proposed networking platform, e.g. with alliance AIOTI, Plattform Industrie 4.0, Industry du Futur, Smart Industry, EFFRA, BDVA, International Data Spaces association, and others.
    • Validate the synchronisation model and the networking platform with a representative set of industry actors. Check relevance of the model and platform with industry actors involved in global standardisation. Assess the possibilities of SMEs and midcaps to be involved in such a networking platform.
  2. First trial implementations of the synchronization model
    • Select a few standards and the SDOs that developed them. Liaise and plan with relevant H2020 projects to have these standards implemented and validated via their ongoing work. Support the projects in developing a roadmap for feeding back implementation and piloting results to the SDO.
    • Discuss with carefully selected minimum 3 relevant H2020 projects the standardisation opportunities of their technical specifications. Support the projects in feeding these specifications and their piloting results into selected SDOs.
  3. Support the continued work of the Joint MSP/DEI Working Group, including participation to two open workshops.
  4. Prepare validation report.
    • Document the results of the validation activities above.
    • Provide recommendations for implementation of the proposed networking platform, e.g. to achieve possible cross-fertilization of standardisation activities across different pilot initiatives on national and European level and promote wider adoption and up-scaling of open standards, especially through SMEs and startups.

The validation report is available here.