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  • Publication 11 June 2014

Radio Spectrum Decisions

Decisions adopted by the Commission pursuant to the Radio Spectrum Decision in view of the harmonisation of the technical conditions for the availability and efficient use of spectrum.

  • 22 January 2025
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2025/105 amending Decision 2006/771/EC updating harmonised technical conditions in the area of radio spectrum use for short-range devices and repealing Implementing Decision 2014/641/EU on harmonised technical conditions of radio spectrum use by wireless audio programme making and special events equipment in the Union

  • 17 December 2024
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/3157 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1067 on the harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5945–6425 MHz frequency band for the implementation of wireless access systems including radio local area networks (WAS/RLANs)

  • 18 July 2024
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/1983 on the harmonisation of the 40,5-43,5 GHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing wireless broadband electronic communications services in the Union

  • 27 May 2024
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/1467 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/785 on the harmonisation of radio spectrum for equipment using ultra-wideband technology in the Union

  • 22 January 2024
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/340 on harmonised conditions for the use of radio spectrum for mobile communication services on board vessels in the Union, repealing Decision 2010/166/EU

  • 23 November 2022
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2307 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/179 as regards designating and making available the 5 150-5 250 MHz, 5 250-5 350 MHz and 5 470-5 725 MHz frequency bands in accordance with the technical conditions set out in the Annex

  • 23 November 2022
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2324 amending Decision 2008/294/EC, to include additional access technologies and measures for the operation of mobile communications services on aircraft (MCA services) in the Union

  • 08 February 2022
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/179 on the harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5 GHz frequency band for the implementation of wireless access systems including radio local area networks

  • 08 February 2022
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/180 as regards the update of harmonised technical conditions in the area of radio spectrum use for short-range devices

  • 07 February 2022
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/172 on the harmonisation of radio spectrum for use by short-range devices within the 874-876 and 915-921 MHz frequency bands

  • 07 February 2022
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/173 on the harmonisation of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Union

  • 28 September 2021
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1730 on the harmonised use of the paired frequency bands 874,4-880,0 MHz and 919,4-925,0 MHz and of the unpaired frequency band 1900-1910 MHz for Railway Mobile Radio

  • 23 June 2021
    Commission Decision (EU) 2021/1038 granting a transitional period to the Kingdom of the Netherlands pursuant to Decision 2008/477/EC as regards an update of relevant technical conditions applicable to the 2 500 -2 690 MHz frequency band

  • 17 June 2021
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1067 on the harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5945-6425 MHz frequency band for the implementation of wireless access systems including radio local area networks (WAS/RLANs). Implementation table (27/02/2023).

  • 07 October 2020
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/1426 of 7 October 2020 on the harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5 875-5 935 MHz frequency band for safety-related applications of intelligent transport systems (ITS) and repealing Decision 2008/671/EC. Implementation table (12/01/2023).

  • 08 May 2020
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/636 of 8 May 2020 amending Decision 2008/477/EC as regards an update of relevant technical conditions applicable to the 2 500–2 690 MHz frequency band. Implementation table (23/03/2022).
  • 06 May 2020
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/667 of 6 May 2020 amending Decision 2012/688/EU as regards an update of relevant technical conditions applicable to the frequency bands 1 920-1 980 MHz and 2 110-2 170 MHz. Implementation table (23/03/2022).
  • 24 April 2020
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/590 of 24 April 2020 amending Decision (EU) 2019/784 as regards an update of relevant technical conditions applicable to the 24,25-27,5 GHz frequency band
  • 02 August 2019
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1345 of 2 August 2019 amending Decision 2006/771/EC updating harmonised technical conditions in the area of radio spectrum use for short-range devices. Implementation table (23/03/2022).
  • 14 May 2019
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/784 of 14 May 2019 on harmonisation of the 24,25-27,5 GHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing wireless broadband electronic communications services in the Union. Implementation table (23/03/2022).

    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/785 of 14 May 2019 on the harmonisation of radio spectrum for equipment using ultra-wideband technology in the Union and repealing Decision 2007/131/EC. Implementation table (23/03/2022).
  • 24 January 2019
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/235 on amending Decision 2008/411/EC as regards an update of relevant technical conditions applicable to the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band. Implementation table (23/03/2022).
  • 11 October 2018
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1538 on the harmonisation of radio spectrum for use by short-range devices within the 874-876 and 915-921 MHz frequency bands. Implementation table (15/01/2020).
  • 26 April 2018
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/661 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/750 on the harmonisation of the 1452-1492 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Union as regards its extension in the harmonised 1427-1452 MHz and 1492-1517 MHz frequency bands. Implementation table (15/01/2020).
  • 20 April 2018
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/637 amending Decision 2009/766/EC on the harmonisation of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands for terrestrial systems capable of providing pan-European electronic communications services in the Community as regards relevant technical conditions for the Internet of Things. Implementation table (21/03/2022).
  • 10 November 2017
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/2077 amending Decision 2005/50/EC on the harmonisation of the 24 GHz range radio spectrum band for the time-limited use by automotive short-range radar equipment in the Community. Implementation table (15/01/2020).
  • 8 August 2017
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1483 amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices and repealing Decision 2006/804/EC
  • 1 February 2017
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/191 of 1 February 2017 amending Decision 2010/166/EU, in order to introduce new technologies and frequency bands for mobile communication services on board vessels (MCV services) in the European Union. Implementation table (15/01/2020).
  • 16 December 2016
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/2317 amending Decision 2008/294/EC and Implementing Decision 2013/654/EU, in order to simplify the operation of mobile communications on board aircraft (MCA services) in the Union. Implementation table (15/01/2020).
  • 3 August 2016
    Commission Decision C(2016) 4973 granting a derogation to the Republic of Malta pursuant to Decision N°243/2012/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a multiannual radio spectrum policy programme
  • 28 April 2016
    Commission Implemention Decision (EU) 2016/687 on the harmonisation of the 694-790 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing wireless broadband electronic communications services and for flexible national use in the Union
  • 8 March 2016
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/339 on the harmonisation of the 2 010-2 025 MHz frequency band for portable or mobile wireless video links and cordless cameras used for programme making and special events
  • 8 May 2015
    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/750 on the harmonisation of the 1452-1492 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Union
  • 1 September 2014
    Commission Implementing Decision 2014/641/EU on harmonised technical conditions of spectrum use by programme making and special events (PMSE) equipment. More information.
  • 2 May 2014
    The Commission Implementing Decision 2014/276/EU amending the Decision 2008/411/EC on the harmonisation of the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Community
  • 11 December 2013
    Commission Implementing Decision 2013/752/EU amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices and repealing Decision 2005/928/EC - Explanatory document.
  • 12 November 2013
    Commission Implementing Decision 2013/654/EU amending Commission Decision 2008/294/EC to include additional access technologies and frequency bands for mobile communications services on aircraft (MCA services).
  • July - December 2013 
    to Member States regarding 800 MHz (Art. 6.4 RSPP) 
  • 23 April 2013
    Commission Implementing Decision 2013/195/EU defining the practical arrangements, uniform formats and a methodology in relation to the radio spectrum inventory established by Decision No 243/2012/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a multiannual radio spectrum policy programme.
  • 5 November 2012
    Commission Implementing Decision 2012/688/EU on the harmonisation of the frequency bands 1920-1980 MHz and 2110-2170 MHz for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Union - Press Release
  • 14 March 2012
    Decision 243/2012/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a multi-annual radio spectrum policy programme (RSPP). - Press Release
  • 8 December 2011
    Commission Decision 2011/829/EU amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices. - Explanatory document / Implementation table (03/06/2013)
  • Commission Decision 2011/485/EU amending Decision 2005/50/EC of 17 January 2005 on the harmonisation of the 24 GHz range radio spectrum band for the time-limited use by automotive short-range radar equipment in the Community. - Press Release / Implementation table (10/03/2014)
  • 18 April 2011
    Commission Decision 2011/251/EU amending Decision 2009/766/EC on the harmonisation of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands for terrestrial systems capable of providing pan-European electronic communications services in the Community. - Press Release / Implementation table
  • 20 September 2010
    Documents associated with the Commission proposal for radio spectrum policy programme (RSPP) - Press Release / Memo / Executive Summary of the Impact Assessment

    Related Documents:
    Commission Recommendation 2010/572/EU of 20 September 2010 on regulated access to Next Generation Access Networks (NGA)
    Communication COM/2010/472 from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions:
    European Broadband - investing in digitally driven growth COM/2010/0472 final

  • 30 June 2010
    Commission Decision 2010/368/EU amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices Explanatory document, Implementation table (18/11/2011)
    (See above for the latest amendment of the Decision)

  • 6 May 2010
    Commission Decision 2010/267/EU on harmonised technical conditions of use in the 790-862 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the European Union - Press Release
  • 31 March 2010
    Commission Decision 2010/194/EU amending Decision 2009/1/EC granting a derogation requested by the Republic of Bulgaria pursuant to Decision 2008/477/EC on the harmonisation of the 2500 - 2690 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Community
  • 19 March 2010
    Commission Decision 2010/166/EU on harmonised conditions of use of radio spectrum for mobile communication services on board vessels (MCV services) in the European Union - Press Release / Implementation table (18/11/2011 )
  • 16 December 2009
    Commission Decision 2009/978/EC amending Decision 2002/622/EC establishing a Radio Spectrum Policy Group - Press release
  • 26 October 2009
    Commission Decision 2009/812/EC granting a derogation requested by France pursuant to Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices
  • 16 October 2009
    Commission Decision 2009/766/EC on the harmonisation of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands for terrestrial systems capable of providing pan-European electronic communications services in the Community - Press release / Implementation table (30/09/2011)
    (See above for the latest amendment of the Decision)
  • 6 October 2009
    Commission Decision 2009/740/EC granting a derogation to France pursuant to Decision 2008/477/EC on the harmonisation of the 2500 - 2690 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Community
  • 13 May 2009
    Commission Decision 2009/381/EC amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices - Explanatory document
    (See above for the latest amendment of the Decision)
  • 25 February 2009
    Commission Decision 2009/159/EC granting a derogation to Austria pursuant to Decision 2008/671/EC on the harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5875 - 5905 MHz frequency band for safety-related applications of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
  • 16 December 2008
    Commission Decision 2009/1/EC granting a derogation requested by the Republic of Bulgaria pursuant to Decision 2008/477/EC on the harmonisation of the 2 500-2 690 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Community. Amended by Commission Decision 2010/194/EU.
  • 13 August 2008
    Commission Decision 2008/673/EC amending Decision 2005/928/EC on the harmonisation of the 169,4-169,8125 MHz frequency band in the Community - Implementation table (15/09/2010)
  • 5 August 2008
    Commission Decision 2008/671/EC on the harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5875 - 5905 MHz frequency band for safety related applications of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) - Implementation table (15/09/2010)

    Related Document: Commission Decision 2009/159/EC granting a derogation to Austria pursuant to Decision 2008/671/EC on the harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5875 - 5905 MHz frequency band for safety-related applications of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
  • 13 June 2008
    Commission Decision 2008/477/EC on the harmonisation of the 2500-2690 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Community - Implementation table (15/09/2010)
  • 23 May 2008
    Commission Decision 2008/432/EC amending Commission Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices (SRD). - Explanatory document
    (See above for the latest amendment of the Decision)
  • 21 May 2008
    Commission Decision 2008/411/EC on the harmonisation of the 3400 - 3800 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Community - Implementation table (23/10/2012)
  • 7 April 2008
    Commission Decision 2008/294/EC on harmonised conditions of spectrum use for the operation of mobile communication services on aircraft (MCA services) in the Community (final text)See also the Recommendation - Press release / Implementation table (15/09/2010)
  • 16 May 2007
    Commission Decision 2007/344/EC on harmonised availability of information regarding spectrum use within the Community
    More information: Mandates - CEPT Report - Press release / Implementation table (29/09/2009)
  • 22 May 2007
    Commission Decision 2007/346/EC granting a derogation requested by France pursuant to Commission Decision 2006/804/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating in the ultra-high frequency (UHF) band
  • 14 February 2007
    Commission Decision 2007/98/EC on the harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 2 GHz frequency bands for the implementation of systems providing mobile satellite services
    More information: Mandates / Implementation table (12/11/2008)
  • 12 February 2007
    Commission Decision 2007/90/EC amending Decision 2005/513/EC on the harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5 GHz frequency band for the implementation of Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLANs)Implementation table (07/04/10)
  • 23 November 2006
    Commission Decision 2006/804/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating in the ultra-high frequency (UHF) band
    Press release / Implementation table (12/11/08)

    Related Decision: Commission Decision 2007/346/EC granting a derogation requested by France pursuant to Commission Decision 2006/804/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating in the ultra-high frequency (UHF) band
  • 9 November 2006
    Commission Decision 2006/771/EC on the harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices (SRD)
    More information: Mandates / Press release
    Amended by Commission Decisions 2008/432/EC , 2009/381/EC, 2010/368/EU and 2011/829/EU.

    Related Decisions:
    Commission Decision 2009/812/EC granting a derogation requested by France pursuant to Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices.
    Commission Decision 2007/346/EC granting a derogation requested by France pursuant to Commission Decision 2006/804/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating in the ultra-high frequency (UHF) band.

  • 20 December 2005
    Commission Decision 2005/928/EC on the harmonisation of the 169,4-169,8125 MHz frequency band in the Community (frequency band originally designated for the ERMES paging system) More information: Mandates - CEPT Report Implementation table (12/11/08)
    (See above for the latest amendment of the Decision)
  • 11 July 2005
    Commission Decision 2005/513/EC on the Harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5 GHz frequency band for the implementation of Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLANs). Corrigenda correcting factual errors in the Estonian, French and German versions were published in the OJ L 238 of 15 September 2005.
    More information: Mandates / CEPT Report /Press release / MEMO
    (See above for the latest amendment of the Decision)

    Related Document: Commission Recommendation 2003/203/EC on the harmonisation of the provision of public R-LAN access to public electronic communications networks and services in the Community (OJ L 78, 25.03.2003).
    Press release

  • 17 January 2005
    Commission Decision 2005/50/EC on the harmonisation of the 24 GHz range radio spectrum band for the time-limited use by automotive short-range radar equipment in the Community.
    More information: Mandates  / CEPT Report /Press Release / Implementation table (12/11/08)
    (See above for the latest amendment of the Decision).
  • 08 July 2004
    Commission Decision 2004/545/EC on the harmonisation of radio spectrum in the 79 GHz range for the use of automotive short-range radar equipment in the Community.
    Implementation table (12/11/08)
  • 26 July 2002
    Commission Decision 2002/622/EC establishing a Radio Spectrum Policy Group.
  • 7 March 2002
    Decision 676/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community (Radio Spectrum Decision)