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The next phase of J-Ark is looking for your input

J-Ark, the project funded under CEF Telecom eArchiving, extends an invitation to technology and content partners for collaboration.

The image shows in detail the stained glass of the west side window of the J. Obrecht Synagogue, by Elte, Harry (1880 - 1944) - Netherlands

Public Domain

J-Ark, funded under CEF Telecom eArchiving, is a unique project that aims to develop long-term preservation solutions for Jewish heritage archives. It integrates these solutions into the aggregation flow of Judaica Europeana, thematic agregator for Europeana for Jewish heritage operated by the Jewish Heritage Network. By utilising software components from other different European Commission-funded initiatives, J-Ark offers a comprehensive end-to-end preservation solution for small and mid-sized cultural heritage institutions.  

The project has successfully implemented an enhanced aggregation workflow, incorporating the RODA preservation system, machine translation services, and anonymisation of heritage content. Pilots tests conducted with partners highlighted the importance of seamless integration with existing workflows  systems, and the need for flexible data mapping.

J-Ark's experiences have also shed light on the future of digital preservation within the broader context of European data spaces, proposing challenges about the duration of long-term preservation, inclusivity of diverse collections, and cost-saving approaches. The project organised a well-attended online event for interested individuals to explore these topics further.

J-Ark extends an invitation to technology and content partners for collaboration with the project. Recognising the importance of collective efforts in the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage, J-Ark seeks to foster collaborations that leverage the expertise and resources of various stakeholders. 


Image attribution: Show window west side J. Obrecht Synagogue] by Elte, Harry (1880-1944) - Netherlands