Six key actions can be drawn from the discussions held during the Colloquium. They are developed in detail in the Annex. They concern all actors present and call for close collaboration and ownership by all involved. Their ultimate aim is to protect and promote a free and pluralistic media for the benefit of all Europeans and for our democracies:
- Protect media freedom and independence from political pressure;
- Safeguard the financial independence of the media in the European Union;
- Protect journalists and their freedom of expression;
- Protect journalists and new media actors from hate speech;
- Protect whistleblowers and investigative journalism;
- Promote a healthy political debate and lasting political engagement through media literacy, media ethics and media pluralism.
You will find more information on the Colloquium, as well as the results of the public consultation and the special Eurobarometer on Media Pluralism and Democracy on the event website.
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Outcomes of the 2016 Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights