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Digibyte | Julkaisu

Commission publishes results of two public consultations under Digital Single Market Strategy

The Commission has just published two reports as part of its preparatory work to create a Digital Single Market.

The first one is related to the public consultation on the review of the EU Satellite and Cable Directive (Full report). The objectives of the consultation were to collect views on how stakeholders evaluate the requirements of the Directive and on the possibility of extending some of its principles in light of market and technological developments as well as online practices. The Commission will take account of the results of the public consultation in its ongoing work to facilitate cross-border access to content in the EU. 

The second report published today covers the public consultation on the technical measures related to the end of roaming charges in the EU. A few days after a new decrease in roaming charges, the Commission is fully working on the preparation of the end of roaming charges set for June 2017. The results of the public consultation will notably contribute to the review of wholesale markets (i.e. the prices that operators charge each other for the use of their networks) to be presented in the coming weeks.

Vice-President Ansip, in charge of the Digital Single Market, and Commissioner Oettinger, in charge of the Digital Economy and Society, said: "We have now analysed almost all the contributions to the public consultations that we have launched under the Digital Single Market Strategy. One year after we presented our plans, we are on the right track to translate them into concrete proposals. Our next set of initiatives should be on the table at the end of the month. They will boost e-commerce in the EU and contribute to creating the rights conditions for a thriving digital economy and society, with modern rules for audiovisual media and policy directions in the area of online platforms".