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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Foilseachán 08 Samhain 2018

Exhibition and Networking at the Digital Innovation Hubs Annual Event

During the Digital Innovation Hubs Annual Event there will be an exhibition of small and medium-size companies and several netrowking opportunities. Book your session here!


12 SMEs from across Europe will present how they benefited from collaborating with DIHs through EU-funded initiatives such as I4MSSAEACTPHASTECHORDODINE and SESAME.

In addition, a booth in the exhibition area will host pitches and short presentations from different stakehodlers during the breaks of the main conference. If you are a Digital Innovation Hub and would like to have a 10 minute slot to pitch your hub, please express your interest to us via email by 20 November, with a description/link of your hub and what you would like to present. 

  • Day 1, 12:30 – 14:00- Pitches from Digital Innovation Hubs
    • AMLab DIH


    • HUB4AGRI

    • IAM 3D HUB

    • LaserLT DIH

  • Day 1, 16:00 – 16:30- Requirements & expectations from SMEs: If you are and SME, pass by to learn about other companies' experiences and available opportunities. Share also with EU experts your views on how to improve the different funding and support actions to better fit the needs of companies.
  • Day 1, 18:00 – 19:00- I4MS & SAE: presentation of available opportunities for DIHs and open calls for funding for SMEs.
  • Day 2, 11:15 – 11:45: DIHs networking: get in touch with other DIHs and exchange your experiences
  • Day 2, 13:00 – 14:15: Pitches from Digital Innovation Hubs
    • Cybersecurity Innovation HUB

    • IoT DIH

    • CapDigital


    • Nanotechnology Lab LTFN DIH

    • COTEC


In the afternoon (16:30-18:00) of the first day of the Digital Innovation Hubs Annual Event, you will have the chance of participating in networking sessions on five different topics related to DIHs. 

There will be two slots of 30 minutes each per topic, and all topics will run in parallel. There is a limited number of participants per slot, so please book the topic and time you are interested in through our online tool (pease not that if you are not yet registered for the overall event, you will be redirected to the main registration page first). 

  • Topic 1: I4MS & Smart Anything Everywhere initiative: I4MS and SAE are two initiatives of the European Commission supporting SMEs on their way to digitalisation. In this session, learn about the initiatives – how you can get latest news and essential information; how you can participate in the communities and benefit from their networks and especially: how you can apply for an open call and get “cascaded funding” for your own digitalisation project. All participants are invited to contribute to a vivid discussion aimed at improving the two initiatives´ offers! Chaired by Mayte Carracedo (I4MS) & Stephan Karmann (SAE).
  • Topic 2: DIHELP – Digital Innovation Hubs Enhanced-Learning Programme: The Digital Innovation Hub Enhanced-Learning Programme (DIHELP) is a mentoring and coaching programme that will support 30 Digital Innovation Hubs to develop and/or scale- up their activities for 9 months. The DIHELP call for Expressions of Interest is now open. Join this netwroking session to learn how to participate successfully in the programme. Chaired by Marie Bourdon and David Vidal (CARSA).

  • Topic 3: Smart Anything Everywhere Open Call in H2020: Information on the Horizon 2020 call on Smart Anything Everywhere DT-ICT-01-2019 (Deadline 2 April 2019): objectives, expected impacts, ideas / pitches, consortium building.

  • Topic 4: Study on Digital Innovation Hubs and digitalisation of SMEs: The European Investment Bank (EIB) InnovFin Advisory and European Commission (DG Connect) are launching a new study on Digital Innovation Hubs and digitalisation of SMEs and are looking for SMEs and Digital Innovation Hubs to hear about their experience on this topic. Chaired by Albert Casorati (EIB).

  • Topic 5: Digital Innovation Hubs Network: Is your DIH working with AI technologies or aims to do so in the near future? Get informed on how your DIH could participate in the EU DIH Network. For this purpose, 30 DIHs from EU28, focused on AI or on technologies that will embed AI, will be selected. Guidelines and requirements on how to participate in this call will be presented. Led by PWC, in cooperation with CARSA and INNOVALIA. Chaired by Silvia de la Maza (INNOVALIA)

Map / Location

plac Trzech Krzyży 3/5, 00-507, Śródmieście, Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie