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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Foilseachán 25 Iúil 2017

2nd Survey of Schools: ICT in Education

The study follows the Digital Education Action Plan Communication’s call to provide more data and evidence regarding digitisation in education and digital technologies in learning.

The survey was conducted in a partnership between Deloitte and IPSOS, on behalf of the European Commission and builds upon the European Commission’s first Survey of Schools: ICT in Education.

Objectives of the study

The 2nd Survey of Schools: ICT in Education had two objectives:

  1. Objective 1: Benchmark progress in ICT in schools - to provide detailed and up-to-date information related to access, use and attitudes towards the use of technology in education by surveying head teachers, teachers, students and parents covering the EU28, Norway, Iceland and Turkey;
  2. Objective 2: Model for a ‘highly equipped and connected classroom’ - to define a conceptual model for a ‘highly equipped and connected classroom’ (HECC), presenting three scenarios to describe different levels of a HECC and to estimate the overall costs to equip and connect an average EU classroom with advanced components of the HECC model.

The final results of the study can be found here.