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Extension of installation time for WiFi4EU beneficiaries

Given the protracted confinement and social distancing measures in several Member States, the European Commission has decided to grant an extension of the installation time to WIFi4EU beneficiaries in order to allow every concerned municipality to complete their projects.

Extension of installation time for WiFi4EU beneficiaries

European Commission

Extension of installation time for WiFi4EU beneficiaries

In view of the Coronavirus crisis affecting municipalities and regions across Europe, the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) in agreement with the European Commission, has decided to mitigate its impact on the deployment of WiFi4EU networks. In this difficult situation, we would like to support you in implementing the voucher.

The European Commission has decided to grant an extension of the installation time to WiFi4EU beneficiaries of Call 1, 2 and 3 in order to allow every concerned municipality to complete their projects. The initial 18-month implementation period granted to finalize and declare the installation and operation of the WiFi4EU network is extended by an additional 8 month period.

In these exceptional circumstances, we trust this measure will help complete the WiF4EU networks in progress, which will benefit local communities and citizens across Europe.

We send all municipalities and their citizens our support in this difficult situation.