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Exciting innovation gets closer to the market with 25 new FET Innovation LaunchPad actions

The first evaluation of Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Innovation Launchpad actions under the European Innovation Council pilot withheld 25 proposals. These will now receive an invitation for grant agreement preparation.


FET Open


Innovation Launchpad projects are short in duration and small in budget, but very practical and useful when it comes to helping recently finished or ongoing FET project in studying potential markets, commercializing products, or upgrading a technology readiness level. These are all goals of the newly selected projects.

In the new set of projects, the FET innovation Launchpad action will help for instance in transforming two X-ray Light Field Camera laboratory prototypes into pre-commercial products. Innovation Launchpad funding will be used to improve usability, user interface and functions’ performance, and finally commercialize a prototype of a software system that enables the design of RNA binding protein. Another successful proposal will be working towards the commercialization of a framework for mapping applications to a reconfigurable hardware, for cloud HPC platforms. EC funding will also support taking to the market a device that will automatically inspect and sort miniature biological entities. Efforts will be put into commercializing the first cross-modal magnetoencephalography- magnetic resonance (MEG-MRI) scanner. The Innovation Launchpad will help to consolidate the intellectual property rights for and develop a demonstrator of new generation in-vitro diagnostic tests for early diagnosis of preeclamsia.

Those and many other exciting proposals will come to life thanks to the financial support of the FET Innovation LaunchPad. Upon their successful completion, the new FET Innovation LaunchPad projects will further contribute to strengthening Europe’s position within various fields and improving social standards.

FET Innovation LaunchPad promotes and supports innovation, and applications are evaluated for funding once a year. Next deadline is 8th October 2019.

Useful links:

List of Beneficiaries
FET Innovation LaunchPad

FET Open