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Consultation | Pubblicazione

Targeted consultation on the revision of the Commission’s access Recommendations

The Commission launches a targeted consultation in order to provide up-to-date guidance to national regulatory authorities on how to best support investment in very high capacity networks.

Consultation on the revision of the Commission’s access Recommendations

The Commission is running a consultation on the review of two Recommendations: the 2010 Next Generation Access (NGA) Recommendation and the 2013 Non-discrimination and costing methodologies (NDCM) Recommendation with a view to provide up-to-date regulatory guidance. Its main goal would be to ensure a consistent application of the access provisions of the Code and help national regulatory authorities (NRAs) and market players address the considerable challenges for the years to come in relation to investment in and deployment of very high capacity networks (VHCNs).

This initiative will complement other sources of guidance on the Code (Commission SMP guidelines and Relevant Market Recommendation, as well as guidelines that are being issued by BEREC).

Target Group

The targeted consultation will aim at providing all the interested parties with an opportunity to express their views and present their experience in relation to the application of the current Recommendations. Stakeholders will also be able to propose any other relevant regulatory aspects that require further guidance in order to enable the Commission to assess how to best update the guidance provided to NRAs in the field of access regulation.

To that end, the consultation is targeted at the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), national regulatory authorities (NRAs), electronic communications operators and services providers, industry associations, electronic communications users associations and consumers associations, and interested individuals.

Objective of the consultation

The aim of this consultation is to gather stakeholders’ feedback on their experience with the existing, above-mentioned Recommendations, as well as views on the need for any updates in the field of access regulation.

The consultation also focuses on other regulatory aspects for which the Commission considers providing further guidance in order to ensure a consistent implementation of the electronic communications framework and to foster VHCN roll out.

How to submit your response

You can give your feedback by filling in the online questionnaire by 07 October 2020

The questionnaire is available in English, German and French.

Your answers can be in any EU language.



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