The NESTORE project aims to tackle the social and demographic challenge faced by most EU countries, mainly the rapid ageing of their population. Longer life expectancy combined with decreased fertility rates have contributed to an increase of elderly people, which, from estimated 87.5 Million in 2010 are expected to become 152.6 Million by 2060. In order to sustain our society, as well as our health and social systems, there is a need to help the elderly population live longer in good mental and physical autonomy.
A reliable companion
The target of the project is to develop a companion - NESTORE - who, like the mythological Nestor, can give advice to older people, so that they could maintain their wellbeing and independence at home. In particular, NESTORE aims to:
- Improve the health and quality of life of citizens by providing a solution along the concept of 'wellbeing pathways';
- Support the long-term sustainability of and efficiency of health and social care systems by providing a solution that allows people to live longer in their homes and a system that eases the communication with the surrounding society;
- Enhance the competitiveness of EU industry and creating economic growth opportunities and jobs in the Silver Economy by providing an open solution allowing provision of services by third parties by means of open API.
A personalised coaching system
NESTORE’s objective is to develop an innovative, multi-dimensional, cross-disciplinary and personalized coaching system that, leveraging ICT social connectivity, will support older adults by encouraging them to become co-producers of their wellness.The NESTORE system will operate into the physical and virtual domains through tangible objects and sensors, as well as software and apps enabling monitoring and coaching. These will serve as a companion providing people with guidance for longer and healthy life years.
The project consortium includes research institutes, universities and industry experts from Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
This H2020 project will run for three years with a total EU budget of € 4 977 000.
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