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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Report / Study | Leidinys

A new comprehensive Digital Skills Indicator

The indicator covers four competence domains: information, communication, content creation and problem solving.

First results from the 2015 "community survey on ICT usage by households and individuals" are available in the Eurostat table ISOC_SK_DSKL_I and on DG CONNECT's Scoreboard visualization tool.

Following a report of May 2014, DG CONNECT and the Eurostat Information Society Working Group agreed to create and publish a "Digital Skills Indicator" based on the Digital Competence Framework (developed by JRC and DG EAC, and available for self-assessment on the Europass website), and to be populated with data collected through the ICT survey on ICT usage by Households and Individuals.

The following document presents the methodology used to define and compute the indicators for each of the four domains and for the overall indicator.

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Digital skills indic - Methodological introduction