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Pilot Project: The European Fourth Estate - Fourth Power - protecting democracy through investigative journalism and actions against Fake News

The European Commission has signed a grant agreement with Bund Europäischer Jugend / Junge Europäische Föderalisten (BEJ/JEF) to launch a Pilot Project named The European Fourth Estate/ Forth Power - protecting democracy through investigative journalism and actions against Fake News. This project has been selected under "Action 3 - Pilot Project: Supporting investigative journalism and media freedom in the EU.

  • Co-ordinator: Bund Europäischer Jugend / Junge Europäische Föderalisten (BEJ/JEF) (Austria)
  • Starting date: 1 September 2020
  • Duration: 12 months
  • Maximum amount of the grant: EUR 59 908.
  • Website: forthcoming

This project foresees the organization of public debates, workshops for journalists and training for young journalists, in order to showcase the importance of the media in preserving our European democracy to the general public.

Specific objectives

  • Bringing together independent media professionals, NGOs and journalists (meetings in workshops and debates, as well as personal Meet and Greets),
  • Awareness of the importance of qualitative, independent (investigative) journalism in a broad population in several EU countries (with (online) events in Poland, Hungary and Austria, as well as a wide coverage in TV, online and in the form of a podcast series),
  • Support to (advanced, young) journalism and journalist’s in the field (news).

This project was selected further to a Call for proposals for Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions (Action 3)