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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publikácia 09 Jún 2017

Creative Europe MEDIA goes to CineEurope

The European Commission will organise two events at the 2017 edition of CineEurope, which is the major European trade show and convention for the cinema exhibitors. The European Film Forum on 19th of June 2017 will tackle how cinemas can continue to embrace innovation in order to further grow their competitive edge. On the 22nd of June 2017, for the first time a selection of European films will be promoted at the convention of cinema exhibitors.

European Film Forum: Innovation and the Big Screen Experience

Cinema going around the world is thriving, thanks to continued commitment to the big screen experience from the creative community and ongoing investment in innovation by cinema operators and their business partners.

Join our high-level group of industry leaders to discuss how cinemas and the wider film sector can continue to embrace innovation in order to further grow their competitive edge in an increasingly global and digitally connected value chain.

Opening Remarks:
Lucia Recalde - Head of the “Audiovisual Industry and Media Support Programmes” Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission

Edna Epelbaum - CEO of Cinevital and Vice President of UNIC (Switzerland)
Mikael Lövgren - Chairman of SF Studios and Board Member, Nordic Cinema Group (Sweden)
Jean Mizrahi - Founder and CEO, Ymagis Group/Cinemanext (France)
Tim Richards - Founder and CEO, VUE International (UK)
Jon Watts - Director, Spider-Man: Homecoming (United States)

Patrick Von Sychowski - Editor, Celluloid Junkie

The event is co-organised with UNIC (International Union of Cinemas).

Location and timing: CCIB auditorium, 19th of June, 10:30 - 11:30

Promotion of a selection of European Films

Fostering access to European films across borders is at the heart of the MEDIA programme. Our support helps films travel so that works of all sizes can reach their intended audiences.

At CineEurope, the European Commission will experiment with ways to promote European films. For the first time, a selection of European films will be promoted at the convention of exhibitors in Barcelona, CineEurope, on the 22nd of June 2017. A limited number of films (7-8), meeting high quality standards, will be promoted in 20 minutes.

The films promoted have been chosen by a high experts' committee across the value chain during the Cannes Film Festival, based on a preselection made by the French Promotion Agency, Unifrance, which has shared its experience in promoting films for export.

Location and timing: CCIB Auditorium, 22nd of June, 15:00