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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publication 15 March 2021

Collaboration between European Digital Innovation Hubs in the network, including trans-national cross-border hubs and corridors

The call to set up the initial network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) will be launched in the spring, with a planned deadline in the third quarter 2021. To clarify the many aspects relevant to the European call and the setting up of the initial network, the European Commission is organising a cycle of thematic online workshops for stakeholders. This one will focus on collaboration between EDIHs in the network.

EDIH workshop

(c) stockimage

Innovation hubs

European Digital Innovation Hubs will be part of a broad network, and collaborations will naturally be developed over time to better support SME and public sector by tapping into the experience and know-how of other hubs. Several EDIHs can work together in structured manner, e.g. around a sector, a technology, demographical characteristics (sparsely populated regions), and for instance develop common services together which they will each provide to their own customers. This is sometimes referred to as “corridors”. There will be also forms of ad-hoc collaboration, based on match-making to offer the best support to stakeholders.  Many other forms of collaboration are possible. The Digital Transformation Accelerator should support EDIHs with their collaboration among them by organising the right type of events and making the right information available to all the hubs. At proposal stage each EDIH is requested to provide initial plans on collaboration.

The structured collaboration in the network of EDIHs will also be compared to the situation of cross-border trans-national hubs, serving neighbouring regions in different countries tackling common challenges identified in the border regions and to exploit the untapped growth potential in border areas. In this case, the beneficiaries present one proposal, which will be co-funded by the countries involved. In the case of structural collaboration, all the EDIHs involved will present their own individual proposal, supported by their country

Aim of the workshop:

The workshop discussed all the various options, clarifying when to use them, and explain the collaboration activities mentioned in the text of the proposals.

Agenda with linked presentations:

10:00 – Sandro D’Elia – Introduction to Collaboration in the EDIH network

10:10 – Anne-Marie Sassen – How to include collaboration in your proposal

10:30 – Maurits Butter – Collaboration corridors explained

10:45 – 3 practical examples of collaboration Luxinnovation, LITC Case and Touch&Heat

11:15 – Sandro D’Elia – the role of the Digital Transformation Accelerator and the EDIH catalogue

11:25 – Question and answer session

11:50 – Conclusions and useful links - Anne-Marie Sassen

12:00 – End


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02_20210406 collaboration AMS v3.pdf
03_2021 0412 BOWI EDIH Corridor presentation.pdf
04_EDIHs collaboration.pdf
05_EDIH_collaboration_LITC case_13042021.pdf