Spain's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

In 2023, Spain made notable progress in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by enterprises, although challenges persist for some indicators related to the digitalisation of business, including the take up of cloud. While the number of ICT specialists in employment remains low, the general level of basic digital skills among the population has increased.

Two main strengths or areas of progress
Adoption of AI by entreprises
Spain brings a positive contribution to the EU’s Digital Decade target, and shows a very strong dynamic. 9.2% of Spanish enterprises had adopted AI solutions in 2023, which is above the EU average of 8.0%. In addition, Spain’s average annual growth (9.3%) is almost four times the EU average (2.6%).
Basic digital skills
In 2023, 66.2% of the Spanish population had at least a basic level of digital skills, above the EU average of 55.6%.

Two main weaknesses or areas to improve
Adoption of cloud by entreprises
Spain shows a very limited dynamic in the take-up of cloud services. 27.2 % of Spanish enterprises use cloud services, which is well below the EU average of 38.9%. In addition, Spain’s growth rate (0.4%) is below the EU rate (7%).
ICT specialists
As a percentage of the total employed population in Spain, 4.4% are ICT specialists, below the EU average of 4.8%. Moreover, the country sets a target that is lower than the EU expectations in its national roadmap.
Spain's Key Performance Indicators

Spain’s Digital Decade strategic roadmap
The Spanish roadmap demonstrates that the country plans a significant effort to achieve the Digital Decade objectives and targets. It set targets for 13 out of the 14 key performance indicators (KPIs), that are overall aligned with the EU values, except for basic digital skills, which surpasses the EU target, and ICT specialists, which stands slightly below the EU ambition level. Spain plans to allocate a total budget (excluding private investments) estimated at EUR 26.7 billion (1.8% GDP).

Digital rights and principles
The Special Eurobarometer ‘Digital Decade 2024’ reveals some positive trends, with 60% of Spanish respondents trusting affordable high-speed internet and 62% being satisfied with the level of digital skills. However, concerns have risen significantly, with only 36% of Spanish respondents believing the EU protects their digital rights (-13% compared to 2023, and 9% below the EU average), 61% worried about the online safety for children (+21 points compared to 2023), and 53% concerned about control over their personal data (+17%). These findings underscore the need to reinforce digital rights at national level.

Country-Specific Recommendations
Spain must improve its performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives, to foster competitiveness, resilience, sovereignty, and promote European values and climate action.
Digitalisation of SMEs
Continue the efforts to support the digitalisation of enterprises, in particular to foster the adoption of advanced technologies (AI, data analytics, cloud).
Digitalisation of public services
Continue efforts to digitalise public services and further promote their use.
ICT Specialists
Continue implementing efforts to achieve a greater number of ICT specialists, designing incentives schemes to attract and retain them, and increasing the visibility and readability of training and reskilling options.
More on the 2024 Digital Decade Report

Check out the progress of all Member States and extracts of country-specific recommendations.