Check out the progress of all Member States and extracts of country-specific recommendations.

The Digital Decade sets out targets and objectives for 2030, which are critical for a successful digital transformation that fosters competitiveness, resilience, sovereignty, sustainability and is in line with European values.
Each year the EU takes stock of the progress made towards the objectives and targets set by the Digital Decade Policy Programme. This year, for the first time, Member States submitted national roadmaps detailing actions they plan to reach the 2030 Digital Decade goals.
Digital Decade Report 2024: the country fact pages

Austria's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Belgium’s performance towards the Digital Decade objectives and targets

Bulgaria's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Croatia's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Cyprus’ performance towards the Digital Decade objectives and targets

Czechia’s performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Denmark's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Estonia's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Finland's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

France's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Germany's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Greece's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Hungary's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Ireland's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Italy's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Latvia’s performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Lithuania's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Luxembourg's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Malta's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

The Netherlands' performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Poland's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Portugal's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Romania's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Slovakia's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Slovenia's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Spain's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

Sweden's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.