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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publication 08 June 2020

Preparatory Action "Cinemas as Innovation Hubs for Local Communities"

The Commission is launching a 1,5M € call for proposals to create innovative cultural hubs around cinema theatres, notably in areas where there is limited cinema and cultural infrastructure and where the the Covid 19 crisis has had a very strong impact. The Covid 19 pandemic has deeply affected the cinemas and has changed the cinema going experience in a dramatic way.

Announcement of Results

The evaluation process is over.

We would like to thank all participants for the interest in the Call and the high quality applications received.

The competition was high, with a total of 37 applications, out of which 4 projects are selected for funding. Please find all the details here.



Local cinemas have been bringing communities together, enhancing local cultural life and playing an important social inclusion role. They provide education opportunities and contribute to the local economy, being a vector for urban development in the longer term. Their cultural, social and economic impact should be revamped after the disruption of the Covid 19 crisis. However, the pandemic crisis will require new instruments of interaction and in turn new business models for the exhibitors and for the community around the cinemas.

In addition, this action aims to create an appetite for the best European audiovisual and cultural content (feature films, concerts, opera, TV series and animation, documentaries, heritage films, short formats and innovative content like VR) by attracting audiences to cultural hubs. 


The preparatory action will test new cinema-going experiences, while taking into account local audiences’ needs, and will focus on:

  1. Rethinking the cinema experience in the aftermath of the pandemic crisis with a view of creating innovative cultural venues in particular with cooperation between cinemas and VOD platforms;
  2. Audience development and building communities through interactive experiences (offering a wide range of cultural and educational activities).

Expected results

The expected results of this action are:

  • Creation of innovative cultural hubs centred around cinema theatres, involving collaboration between cinema theatres as well as with other operators across the cultural and creative sectors, including online platforms;
  • New business models to engage with existing audiences and to reach out to new audiences (especially young people), by offering quality and diverse European creative content (audiovisual and other types of cultural content) as well as educational activities (i.e. film education, media literacy);
  • Innovation regarding the cinematic experience leading up to the development of new cultural experience models / in particular in areas with limited cinema /cultural infrastructure or areas particularly affected by the COVID 19 pandemic crisis;
  • Support the social and economic development of local communities through innovative actions that take into account the effects of the pandemic crisis and revitalise the cinema experience both in its real and virtual dimension;
  • Enhance cross-border collaboration among cinema operators as well as between cinemas, VOD platforms and other cultural organisations, including in areas with limited cinema infrastructure or areas particularly affected by the COVID 19 pandemic crisis;

More information

Preparatory Actions are meant to introduce and test new initiatives with funding for not more than three years. This call for proposals is the second call of the Preparatory Action “Cinemas as Innovation Hubs for Local Communities”.

The maximum co-financing rate of is 70% of the total eligible costs.

The call for proposals, application forms and all relevant documents and available here below.  


00. Q and As - Updated on 14 August
01. Call for proposals - Cinemas as innovation hubs 2020 - Corrigendum 28/7/2020
02. Application form - Cinemas as Innovation Hubs 2020
03. Template Annex III - Estimated budget - Multibeneficiaries
04. Financial viability checktool with results
05. Declaration on Honour
06. Privacy Statement
07. Financial Identification
08. Legal Entity Form - Private Law Body
09. Legal Entity Form- Public Law Body
10. Model grant-agreement for multibeneficiaries
Cinemas as innovation hubs - Selected proposals - call 2020