Communication establishing the Union-level projected trajectories for the digital targets
This Communication presents the Union-level projected trajectories for the attainment of the digital targets set under the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030.
The Digital Decade trajectories serve as the basis for the Commission to monitor progress towards achieving the targets. Every year, as part of the Report on the State of the Digital Decade, the Commission intends to compare the values observed for the key performance indicators set for each target against the projected values along the Digital Decade trajectories.
Moreover, the Digital Decade trajectories serve as a basis for the Member States’ national digital decade strategic roadmaps. Each national roadmap must comprise national projected trajectories that help achieve the relevant digital targets. Member States should define their level of ambition and their national trajectories based on the Digital Decade trajectories at EU level, i.e., depending on the path that the indicators need to follow to reach the targets.
The first State of the Digital Decade report takes stock of the EU’s progress towards a successful digital transformation as set out in the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030.
In accordance with the Decision establishing the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030, key performance indicators are to be used to monitor progress of the Union against the digital targets set out in that Decision.