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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Policy and legislation | Publication

Communication establishing the Union-level projected trajectories for the digital targets

This Communication presents the Union-level projected trajectories for the attainment of the digital targets set under the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030.

The Digital Decade trajectories serve as the basis for the Commission to monitor progress towards achieving the targets. Every year, as part of the Report on the State of the Digital Decade, the Commission intends to compare the values observed for the key performance indicators set for each target against the projected values along the Digital Decade trajectories. 

Moreover, the Digital Decade trajectories serve as a basis for the Member States’ national digital decade strategic roadmaps. Each national roadmap must comprise national projected trajectories that help achieve the relevant digital targets. Member States should define their level of ambition and their national trajectories based on the Digital Decade trajectories at EU level, i.e., depending on the path that the indicators need to follow to reach the targets.


Explore the visualisation tool for the Digital Decade trajectories



A Bizottság Közleménye a digitális célok uniós szintű tervezett megvalósítási pályáinak meghatározásáról
Communication de la Commission établissant des trajectoires prévisionnelles au niveau de l'Union pour les cibles numériques
Communication establishing the Union-level projected trajectories for the digital targets
Comunicación de la Comisión por la que se establecen las trayectorias previstas a escala de la Unión de las metas digitales
Comunicare a Comisiei de stabilire a traiectoriilor preconizate la nivelul Uniunii pentru țintele digitale
Comunicazione della Commissione che stabilisce le tendenze previste a livello di Unione per gli obiettivi digitali
Comunicação da Comissão que estabelece as trajetórias previstas a nível da União para as metas digitais
Komisijas Paziņojums, ar ko nosaka digitālo mērķrādītāju Savienības līmeņa prognozētās trajektorijas
Komisijos Komunikatas kuriuo nustatomos skaitmeninių tikslų Sąjungos lygmens projektinės trajektorijos
Komisjoni Teatis, millega määratakse kindlaks liidu tasandil kavandatud digieesmärkide trajektoorid
Komission Tiedonanto digitalisaatiotavoitteita koskevien unionin tason ennustettujen kehityspolkujen vahvistamisesta
Komunikat Komisji ustanawiający prognozowane trajektorie na szczeblu unijnym służące osiągnięciu celów cyfrowych
Meddelande från Kommissionen om fastställande av beräknade utvecklingskurvor på unionsnivå för de digitala målen
Meddelelse fra Kommissionen om fastsættelse af planlagte forløb på EU-plan for opfyldelse af de digitale mål
Mededeling van De Commissie tot vaststelling van prognosetrajecten op Unieniveau voor de digitale doelstellingen
Mitteilung der Kommission zur Festlegung geplanter Zielpfade für die digitalen Ziele auf Unionsebene
Oznámenie Komisie, ktorým sa stanovujú plánované trajektórie na úrovni Únie pre digitálne ciele
Sdělení Komise, kterým se stanoví plánované trajektorie na úrovni Unie pro digitální cíle
Sporočilo Komisije o predvidenih začrtanih poteh na ravni Unije za dosego digitalnih ciljev
Teachtaireacht Ón gCoimisiún lena mbunaítear conairí réamh-mheasta ar leibhéal an Aontais le haghaidh spriocanna digiteacha
Ανακοινωση Τησ Επιτροπhσ για τη θέσπιση των προβλεπόμενων πορειών σε επίπεδο Ένωσης για την επίτευξη των ψηφιακών στόχων
С Ъобщение Ha Комисията зя определяне ня прогнозните траектории ня рявнишето ня Съюзя зя цифровите цели
Съобщение на комисията за определяне на прогнозните траектории на равнището на Съюза за цифровите цели

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