Yetta offers enhanced privacy, more security and untraceable transactions.
Since the emergence of Bitcoin in 2009, governments and municipalities around the world have taken notice and have funded research and development to further advance Blockchain technology and to make it faster, cheaper, and more practical for everyday use. The earliest citizen trials with Blockchain technology were funded under the Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation (CAPS) initiative of the EU Horizon 2020 ICT programme.
Yetta leverages on the successful results of the Horizon 2020 projects D-CENT, Decentralized Citizens Engagement Technologies, DECODE, a Decentralized Citizens Owned Data Ecosystem, and COMMONFARE, a digital currency for addressing poverty, lack of income and unemployment. Thanks to these projects, the Dyne.org foundation carried out Research and Innovation on Blockchain technologies, smart contracts, virtual machines and languages, and social and digital currencies developed under a free open source license, which are at the foundation of Yetta.
Yetta is a robust and secure money transfer service with progressive monetary policies aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It incorporates an equitable pricing strategy that works well for the public, private, and social sectors. With Yetta, citizens are empowered to take full control of their financial assets by storing them on self-managed mobile, web, or even offline devices, and can remit and track monetary transfers in real-time.
Many strategic collaborations and partnership opportunities are underway. Banks and money transmitters are collaborating with Yetta to expand their reach and to integrate the Yetta Wallet into their product offerings.
To fuel its global remittances infrastructure, Yetta will allocate up to $20 Million from its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) to other product innovators to build and to deploy their decentralized applications (DAPPS) on the Yetta Blockchain. The DAPP Store will include a number of applications which allow citizens to manage their financial assets, pay bills and transact with Blockchain-enabled companies. Yetta will also provide a very fast and efficient protocol for Blockchain startups and governments to create and deploy their own Cryptocurrency as a Decentralized Governance Organization (DGO).
Yetta is uniquely engineered as a viable alternative to both Bitcoin and Ethereum. It will announce its ICO within the coming weeks and plans to deploy its Blockchain later this year. For more information on Yetta, and to whitelist for its upcoming ICO, please visit this website.