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Expert Group on a common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage

The official launch of the Commission Expert Group on the common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage (CEDCHE) took place during the Member State meeting on 16 November 2021. The Group is a forum for cooperation on digitisation, conservation and preservation of cultural heritage between the European Commission, Member States and UNESCO.

Oil painting by renaissance painter Raphael 1504-1506 showing St. George mounted on a white horse slaying the dragon and saving the princess

St. George and the Dragon. 1504-1506; oil painting on wood, by the Italian High Renaissance artist (Raphael), by United Archives / WHA - United Archives / WHA, Germany - CC BY-SA. From Europeana

The group reviews and discusses policies for digital cultural heritage and the upcoming initiative for a common European data space. Furthermore, the expert group will contribute with advice and will help monitor the implementation of the Recommendation on a common European data space for cultural heritage adopted on 10 November 2021. The expert group succeeds the Expert Group on Digital Cultural Heritage and Europeana (DCHE). New tasks are included in the mandate for the group in relation to the development of the common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage, as well as further links with other data spaces under the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL). The duration of the group’s mandate is not defined, but is determined by the DIGITAL programme.

The 27 EU Member States have each appointed representatives to take part in the group, with UNESCO as observer.

The legal base for the new Group is Commission Decision C(2021) 4647 of 29.6.2021 setting up the Commission Expert Group on the common European data Space for Cultural heritage and repealing Decision C(2017) 1444.

The meetings of the Group takes place twice yearly and the agenda and the minutes are available online. 

Sub-Group with Non-Governmental Experts

A sub-group with non-governmental experts has been set up to examine specific aspects regarding legal and technical standards in relation to the development of the European common data space for cultural heritage.

Information on members and work of the group is available online.