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Jury selected finalists of the European Broadband Awards 2022

Projects from all over Europe, rolling out very high capacity connectivity to the citizens, sent their applications for the European Broadband Awards 2022. After thorough assessment and extensive discussions, the jury selected initiatives that made a difference in providing Europe with broadband internet and invited them to the finals.

European Commission

The following projects were preselected by the jury for the finals in the five categories:

1. Innovative models of financing, business and investment

  • Lower Austria - a holistic solution to supply the entire rural area with sustainable FTTH, Austria
  • High speed broadband for all in Yvelines, France
  • Private Public Partnership for an area-wide Broadband Expansion Program with FTTH in the Stuttgart Region, Germany
  • BROADEN - Broadband Across Border Sweden-Norway, Sweden & Norway

2. Cost reduction measures and co-investment

  • Nordeste de Segovia (Nordesnet), Spain
  • Digital Nord Pas-de-Calais, France
  • WEMACOM Breitband, Germany

3. Socio-economic impact in rural and remote areas

  • Erro Smart Valley, Spain
  • Broadband expanse in North Hesse, Breitband Nordhessen, Germany
  • Broadband Director Plan of Navarre 2016 – 2021, Spain

4. Demand generation and take-up of connectivity

  • Wholesale Model - new approach & possibilities, Poland
  • FTTB build up for everyone in Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
  • EllaLink, Ireland

5. Quality and affordability of services

  • Broadband Deployment Project Sankt Nikolai im Sausal, Austria
  • Breitbandausbau im Landkreis Bautzen, Germany
  • FTTH network roll-out in Latvia, Latvia

The European Commission would like to thank all projects helping improve the so much needed connectivity between people in Europe for applying for the awards, as well as to congratulate the selected finalists.

The winners of the European Broadband Awards 2022 will be announced and awarded by the European Commission at the Award Ceremony, preliminary planned for the second quarter of 2022. 

The European Awards Broadband are managed by the European Commission (DG Connect). For more information please refer to the European Broadband Awards page.