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Shaping Europe’s digital future
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Language Technology Market Study

This study aims at mapping the current language technology (LT) landscape, as well as providing an overview of the most relevant market trends.

European Commission

The study puts special emphasis on the European market to find out how influential and competitive Europe actors are and how large the development potential is in the global LT market landscape. 

The overall goal of the study is to raise awareness about LT and the potential it holds, helping relevant stakeholders and investors to get an accurate and up-to-date view of the market needs and trends. 

The study will among others provide answers to these questions:

  • What defines language technologies?
  • Where do we stand in terms of development?
  • What future development can we anticipate?
  • Who are the keyactors shaping the future of language technologies?
  • What is the balance between supply and demand?
  • Which language technologies are already available across 24 EU official languages?

As part of the study, a survey addressed to LT suppliers was launched in February 2024. It closed on Friday, 23 February 2024 and the data collected is under analysis. 

The preliminary findings of the study will be disseminated at an online conference on 18 June 2024.

The publication of the final market study report and the wide dissemination of its results are planned for spring 2025, following complement and update of the preliminary study. 

The Market Study on Language Technologies is developed under the 2022 Language Technology Solutions call for tenders implementing DIGITAL Europe Programme in the field of language technologies.