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Privacy Flag project presents new tools and a privacy certification scheme at IoT Week 2017

The Privacy Flag project is developing an innovative methodology, the Universal Privacy Risk Area Assessment Methodology, for assessing the compliance of applications, websites, and Internet of Things deployments in the context of smart cities, with the European General Data Protection Regulation. The project has launched a new set of tools during IoT Week in Geneva for European citizens and companies, including a privacy certification scheme. Privacy Flag is a European research project co-funded by the European Commission and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation.

log of the project

Privacy Flag

In the context of IoT Week, the project was represented in two sessions on Internet of Things and privacy. It also organized a booth to present its new tools, which are based on the UPRAAM methodology to assess and support GDPR compliance in the above mentioned domains.

Tools for citizens

A first iteration/version of tools for the European citizens has been presented and is directly available on the Privacy Flag website, Several tools leverage on crowdsourcing for enabling citizens to mutualize their effort in protecting their data. These new tools include:

  • A browser add-on to assess in real time if a website is rather compliant or not with the GDPR;
  • A smart phone application to assess in real time if the applications installed on the smartphone or an Internet of Things deployment in a smart city are rather compliant or not with the GDPR;
  • An online observatory with information on privacy threats evolution for the users;
  • A privacy guide proposing to citizens some relevant resources to better protect their privacy, such as privacy friendly search engines;
  • A Privacy Portal:

Tools and services for companies

Other tools have been developed to support companies in complying with the GDPR. Archimede Solutions presented a UPRAAM based certification scheme on data protection:  EuroPrivacy has been developed according to ISO requirements in order to certify compliance of products, services and IoT deployments (such as smart cities) with the GDPR. The tool appeared on the national TV news in Switzerland.