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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Norway in the Digital Economy and Society Index

Find here the most recent analysis and data for digitisation in Norway, covering topics such as connectivity, digital skills, egovernment, and more.

The European Commission has been monitoring Member States’ digital progress through the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) reports since 2014. As of 2023, and in line with the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030, DESI is now integrated into the State of the Digital Decade report and used to monitor progress towards the digital targets. You can also specifically refer to the country reports

2022 publications

DESI country profile (EN)

2021 publications

DESI country profile (EN)

2020 publications

Download the results Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI):  

2019 publications

Download the results Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI):  

2018 publications

Download the results Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI):  

Digital Economy and Society Index 2017

Norway is among the most digital countries in Europe in DESI 2017. Norway scores very well in broadband connectivity, internet use, business digitisation and digital public services. Norway is also above average on digital skills.

Download the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) country profile as a pdf (EN)

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Big Picture

Countries' performance in digitisation

The 2023 Digital Decade country reports outline how each Member State is doing regarding the Digital Decade cardinal points: Digital Skills, Digital Infrastructures, Digitalisation of Businesses and Digitalisation of Public Services.

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