The detailed individual roadmaps contain concrete actions showing that platforms plan to extend their tools against disinformation to all EU Member States.
On 22 May 2019, Microsoft became the 13th signatory of the Code of Practice against Disinformation.
On 10 January 2020, Kreativitet & Kommunikation signed the Code, while on 27 Januray 2020, Goldbach Audience (Switzerland) AG joined.
On 10 June 2020, TikTok signed the Code, becoming the 16th signatory.
Platforms signatures and roadmaps
- Facebook signed Code of Practice
- Facebook Roadmap for implementation of Code of Practice
- Google signed Code of Practice
- Google Roadmap for implementation of Code of Practice
- Mozilla signed Code of Practice
- Mozilla Roadmap for implementation of Code of Practice
- Twitter signed Code of Practice
- Twitter Roadmap for implementation of Code of Practice
- Microsoft signed and Roadmap for implementation of Code of Practice
- TikTok signed and Roadmap for implementation of Code of Practice
Trade associations signatures and roadmaps
- AACC signed Code of Practice
- EACA signed Code of Practice
- EDIMA signed Code of Practice
- IAB Europe signed Code of Practice
- SAR signed Code of Practice
- UBA signed Code of Practice
- WFA signed Code of Practice
- AKA signed Code of Practice
- Kreativitet & Kommunikation signed Code of Practice
Other stakeholders
The Code of Practice on online disinformation and other initiatives set forth by the Commission are essential steps in ensuring transparent, fair and trustworthy online campaign activities ahead of the European elections in spring 2019. They aim at achieving the objectives set out by the Commission's Communication presented in April 2018 by setting a wide range of commitments, from transparency in political advertising to the closure of fake accounts and demonetization of purveyors of disinformation.
The Commission will support the implementation of these roadmaps ahead of the EU elections and will monitor their effectiveness on a regular basis.
Between January and May 2019, the European Commission carried out a targeted monitoring of the implementation of the commitments by Facebook, Google and Twitter with particular pertinence to the integrity of the European Parliament elections. In particular, the Commission asked the three platforms signatory to the Code of Practice to report on a monthly basis on their actions undertaken to improve the scrutiny of ad placements, ensure transparency of political and issue-based advertising and to tackle fake accounts and malicious use of bots.
An annual self-assessment report of the signatories to the Code of Practice on Disinformation was published in October 2019. The self-assessment reports indicate comprehensive efforts by the signatories to implement their commitments over the last 12 months, which represents progress over the situation prevailing before the Code’s entry into force, while further serious steps by individual signatories and the community as a whole are still necessary.
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News article | 26 septiembre 2018
Los representantes de las plataformas en línea, las principales redes sociales, los anunciantes y la industria publicitaria acordaron un código de prácticas autorregulador para abordar la propagación de la desinformación en línea y las noticias falsas.