Guadeloupe is situated in the Caribbean Sea and is an outermost region of Europe. So far, several towns of Guadeloupe have implemented the WiFi4EU initiative, like Bouillante and Gourbeyre, two of the most visited towns of the island. They have deployed WiFi4EU hotspots in several locations and the Mayors of both towns acknowledge that the initiative has been very useful, not only for tourists, but also for its inhabitants.
Gourbeyre is a town with touristic interest because of its historical and natural sites, as well as its year-around marina. “WiFi4EU enhances the attractiveness and the development of our municipality,” says Mr Claude Edmond, Mayor of Gourbeyre. “In this digital world, it is very important to stay connected.” He also recognised the importance of the initiative for the inhabitants that cannot afford their own internet subscription. Thanks to the WiFi4EU initiative, they can enjoy free and fast connectivity in public spaces.
Bouillante also has several spots where visitors enjoy the WiFi4EU connection, such as the town hall, the beach front, the sports hall, and the municipal media library. “It is a touristic and rural municipality,” as the Deputy Mayor Kevin Absalon states, and one of the most visited underwater diving destinations, with more than 100 000 tourists coming yearly to enjoy its scenic natural beauty.
The Region of Guadeloupe has put continuous effort in enforcing the digitalisation of the island, developing public e-services, as well as strengthening access to digital education and business. Implementing the WiFi4EU initiative has been in line with these efforts, aimed at achieving a cohesive and inclusive digital development.