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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publikacija 17 srpnja 2017

Call for tender: Study to raise awareness about algorithms

The European Commission has launched an open call for tender for a 16-months study on the role and challenges raised by algorithmic decision-making.

The project aims to raise awareness on the issues around the role algorithms play in the digital society, on the basis of scientific facts. The study should also identify the most appropriate responses and design appropriate policy tools.

The study is part of the Commission's broader measures to tackle the emerging issues and opportunities brought by automation and digitisation. It follows a call by the European Parliament to conduct a pilot project for algorithmic awareness raising.

The study will conduct an in-depth policy-relevant analysis of the role of algorithms in particular how they shape, filter or personalize the information flows that they intermediate.

It will address a three-fold objective:

  1. Contribute to a wider, shared understanding of the role of algorithms in the context of online platforms, while raising public awareness and debate of emerging issues;
  2. Identify and delineate the types of problems and emerging issues raised by the use of algorithms, and establish an initial, scientific evidence-base for these problems;
  3. Design or prototype solutions for a selection of problems, including policy options, technical solutions and private sector and civil society-driven actions.

The study will follow an open, participatory approach involving a wide range of actors building on existing and emerging global communities with an interest in this field.

The call for tenders will remain open until 18th September 2017. See the Conditions for eligibility and details on the requirements . All questions must be addressed via the eTendering platform.