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The European Commission designates the Registry of the .eu Top Level Domain name for the next five years

On 25 October, the European Commission has adopted a Decision designating the European Registry for Internet Domains (EURid) as the .eu Top-level Domain (TLD) Registry from 2022 to 2027. 

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As a result of the assessment by the European Commission of the eligible applications, EURid, the not-for-profit organization, established in Belgium, has ranked first among the applicants. The selection was a result of a competitive procedure, after the call for selection launched in March 2021. The selection criteria applied are defined in the Delegated Regulation and were specified further in the Call for selection. They include quality of service, human and technical capacity, and financial standing. 

The Commission has designated EURid as the Registry of the .eu domain name for the next five years. EURid is in fact the current Registry for .eu TLD, designated under the previous Regulation that was amended and repealed by a reviewd and adopted .EU Regulation, with a contract expiring in 2022. Subject to successful contract negotiations, EURid will be invited to enter into a new service concession contract with the European Commission.

With 3.7 million registered .eu domain names in April 2021, the .eu domain is the eighth largest county-code TLD worldwide, enabling EU citizens and undertakings and organisations established within the Union to register a domain name. It is also used by Union institutions, agencies and bodies. The .EU domain name is available in every alphabet used throughout the EU. The purpose of the .eu TLD is to help enhance the Union identity and promote Union values online, such as multilingualism, respect for users’ privacy and security, respect for human rights, as well as specific Union priorities in the digital area. 

More information about .EU


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